Friday, July 26, 2013

36 Week Update! Whaaattt....

How far along? 36 Weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Still more than I'd like... But on the bright side: since my last doctor appointment 3 weeks ago I've only gained 1 lb! She said that I am still on the "right track" for my weight gain, and that as long as I don't over do it in the next few weeks I should be fine. It's just scary to know that as much as I've already gained is considered "okay" or "normal"!

Maternity Clothes:
Dresses and shorts. It's definitely getting into the peak of hot TX summer temps lately, so comfort is key! I don't see a point in buying anything new now...

Stretch Marks:
The small ones I thought I saw on my hips are no longer there, so that's fun. But apparently what I thought were vericose veins on the back of my thighs is actually stretch marks :/ I got some Palmer's stretch mark body oil that is supposed to help the appearance, and my sweet mama has assured me that they will diminish after D-Day... On the upside, Dr. Banks said that I have a "pretty belly" because I have no stretch marks on my tummy. So there's always that! ... Battle wounds.

Well, while it was getting better, now it's back to worse! Doesn't matter anymore if I don't nap during the day or not, Parker's head is pressing directly on my bladder and so I am up to pee several times during the night. I have a really tough time falling back asleep. It's all prep for Parker!

Best moment this week:
Spending time with my mommy! She's been such a huge emotional support for me through all of this, reassuring me that everything that I freak out about is actually going to be okay, and this week we did some "mommy recovery supply" shopping. I trust her, she's kind of done this 3 times :)

Miss anything?
I've been craving sushi lately, so that's weird. But I definitely miss sushi!

Less than a month or so ago, but if I am laying down and resting she is still moving quite a bit.

Food cravings:
Root beer, peach yogurt, still croutons, and ginger snap cookies! I found some delicious all natural ones at Sprouts :)

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Nope, other than my pal, heartburn.

Gender: still a girl!

Labor signs
fake contractions aka Braxton Hicks... I am getting surprisingly anxious for the real ones to start! Let's go labor! Let's do this!

Heartburn and swelling are the most frequent and noticeable. My poor feet and knees are taking a beating with the heat and humidity!

Belly button in or out?
It's completely flat now, ha! So weird.

Wedding rings on or off?
Still on! Fingers crossed they can stay that way! 

Happy or moody most of the time?
Happy as long as I am keeping myself busy. I am not a fun person when I am bored.

Looking forward to: 
Now I am just EXTREMELY impatient and anxious for D-DAY! Our nursery is just about done (have to hang some shelves), I have assembled her bassinet and other various swings and play areas, her clothes are all washed... Let's go Parker! I'm ready to meet you NOW!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Just a matter of WEEKS!

We are SO CLOSE!! I am at the point now where I am going in to the doctor every week for check ups, and signs of labor ... AHH! Yesterday's doctor appointment was exciting, and we have been busy! So here is an update of the most recent PARKER T. EVENTS in our life.

Saturday, July 20: 

Matt's Aunt Debbie hosted a "Backyard BBQ Baby Shower" at our house. It was a blast! I am quite proud of myself for managing to stay outside the entire time. Although I basically sat in the same chair the whole night, just being outside was a task in itself! We had so many wonderful friends and family attend, and it was wonderful to see everyone. I loved it! It did rain about 2 hours before the shower, so that helped to cool off the air a tiny bit. My amazing very first college roomie, Jill, even drove up from Austin just for the event! Such a fun night.

From the shower we received a lot of the items that we were still missing. Matt has been giving me a hard time because I was FREAKING OUT that we were not going to have everything we needed and be ill-prepared for her arrival... Because he knew that we'd get what we needed :) So on Sunday after the shower, we went to Buy Buy Baby to order our stroller and car seat, and to get a few last minute items that we know we'll need for at least her first few weeks. I am feeling MUCH more prepared and ready for her arrival!

Monday, July 21:

I cleaned out my classroom :( It was so bittersweet. The worst part is that since I am now "locked out" and no longer have keys ... I couldn't open several of my cabinets in the room. Which means I will have to go back up there to empty them out! Argh blargh. My parents are awesome and came to help me pack up since they knew it would be quite the challenge for an almost 9-mth pregnant lady. Jenn (who is the new director, and wonderful) brought her cutie patootie daughter Norah and came up to see the room. I took her around the building, and it was so sad to say goodbye to that school! I ended up staying much later than anticipated saying goodbye and chatting with my principal, whom I consider now to be a very dear friend. She has known me since I was 21! And hired me for the position within 12 hours of my interview, and has given me so many opportunities. I will miss her more than I realized! But as I taught all 3 of her kids, and still keep in touch with them (one of her daughters gave a reading at our wedding ceremony!) I am sure that the friendship will not disappear!

Tuesday, July 23:

BABY BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY! Tuesday was my brother, Tyler's, 23rd birthday! 23 on the 23rd ... I believe that makes it his "golden birthday"? I can't believe he's 23! That makes me feel old. I will be 27 in 2 weeks! No, that's not "old" per-say... But it's a long time to be alive, ha!

This also marked the ONE MONTH away day for Parker's arrival! I am almost 36 weeks, and truly can say that it's in the home stretch now!

Wednesday, July 24:

Doctor's appointment! LUCKY ME - I have only gained 1 pound since my last appointment 3 weeks ago! But now I am going to be going in every week until she arrives. Eeek! Dr. Banks said that she could be here anytime between August 8 - August 29... Basically the entire month of August is how I feel. But she is technically "full term" at 37 weeks and could decide that she's ready to be here. Which I am TOTALLY okay with! I have no problem with Parker being an early arrival. I am READY!


I am in full on nesting mode. Last week I had a lot of extra energy, and I think a lot of that was excited anticipation for having a house full of people on Saturday. After the shower and baby shopping weekend extravaganza, I have been WIPED OUT for the past few days. I have slowly gotten back into my workout routine (which is MINIMAL to say the least at this point!), and am cleaning up the house from Saturday's shenanigans and just in general!

We have an appointment on Monday of next week to meet our potential new pediatrician here in Carrollton, I have another doctor appointment next Thursday to see how things are progressing (basically that means - I need to get used to my "personal space" being invaded on a weekly basis for the remainder of my life....), and I am mentally and emotionally trying to prepare myself for the fact that in a matter of weeks, I will be a MOM! My anxiety is at a full-time high, but I absolutely cannot wait.

Friday, July 19, 2013

35 Week Update!

How far along? 35 Weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Still not completely positive here. At this point, it is what it is... I am doing my best to be mindful of what I put into my body, and exercising as much as my tired and VERY pregnant/swollen body will allow. My main focus will be once I am allowed to start working out again after she arrives... and getting my body back :)

Maternity Clothes:
Loose, light, and easy. Lots of dresses, linen shorts, tank tops, flip flops, and occasionally yoga pants.

Stretch Marks:
Just the small ones on my hips. Got some vitamin E oil that I've started putting on those and my belly to keep it extra moisturized... Again - it is what it is! I'm a bit too far along to prevent much from happening at this point. And I look at it now as my "battle wounds" and not as a bad thing.

Getting better actually! I've been more consistently exercising in the morning, which gives me enough energy to make it through the day, and then I sleep through the night. Only getting up to pee once or twice!

Best moment this week:
Hands down it was the "Basics of Baby Care" class that Matt and I attended Thursday night. The instructor was hilarious, although I still feel extremely ill prepared, and Matt was having himself a blast. I am very thankful that he did not say out loud everything that he whispered to me during the lecture! But it was mostly amazing to watch how "into it" Matt was. He took about 5 pages of notes!

Miss anything?
Beer! Wine! Margaritas! I don't think that will ever change. Missing the days of pregnancy when my hair was full and beautiful ... because that's changed again!

Less and less. She's getting so big that there isn't much space to move anymore!

Food cravings:
Croutons and Root Beer.

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Nope - thankfully! I definitely get turned off by certain foods, but not to the point that it makes me sick.

Gender: still a girl!

Labor signs: nope... le sigh.

Heartburn, swelling in my fingers, ankles, feet, and knees, and finally started experiencing the ever so wonderful Braxton Hicks! Fake contractions are just the best!

Belly button in or out?
Still hasn't popped out yet, it's pretty flat!

Wedding rings on or off?
On ... but it's getting increasingly difficult to remove them. Especially by the end of the day. Sometimes I have to run my hands under cold water to bring the swelling down to get them off. Whoops!

Happy or moody most of the time?
Happy! And moody! It's all getting scarier and scarier as we start to count down the days... but I am SO excited and ready for her to be here!

Looking forward to: 
The Backyard BBQ Baby Shower that Matt's Aunt Debbie is hosting for us tomorrow! And then finishing up our baby shopping! And of course - D-DAY! Ready to meet you, Parker Lou!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Workin' On My Preggo Fitness

Pregnancy should not be an excuse to sit around for 9 months, eating whatever you and "baby" are hungry for, and gaining lots of weight. I feel a strong disagreement with the phrase "I'm eating for two!" I was shocked one day at work several months back when we had food brought in for lunch, and people were shocked that I wasn't leaving with a plateful of desserts. Really?!

I am by NO MEANS a standard of extreme health and fitness during my pregnancy. However, I'd like to think that I've been making good choices and staying as fit as I possibly can while also dealing with the shocking changes that I've experienced physically, mentally, and emotionally!

So this is just a breakdown of how I felt by trimester, what I did to exercise and keep active, and the workout DVD's that I strongly recommend!

Well, during the first trimester I was also finishing final wedding planning details, and was still in full on workout mode. I was still jogging a bit, and doing yoga (I do vinyasa yoga) as much as possible. Light weight lifting, coupled with cardio and lots of water made me feel pretty good come wedding day :) A little non-traditional, but I thought I looked pretty damn good for 16 weeks pregnant on our most important day. The most important thing for me at this point was to AVOID SALT. I am really short, and pretty "stocky" naturally... I had to get over the notion that I'd be a skinny minnie pretty early on in life. So I started swelling in my feet and ankles pretty early on. I learned a great rule from a dear friend of the family, she said "Only eat 1-ingredient foods." AKA don't eat anything that you don't know what's in it! Veggies, fruits, lean protein... Eating well and exercising made me feel great. I didn't experience 1st trimester exhaustion as bad as it could have been, and I didn't have morning sickness.

You really do feel pretty awesome during the second trimester. I had my energy back, I was in a better mood more often, and I was continuing to exercise and eat smart. I loved being pregnant during this phase of the pregnancy. I did start to slack on managing my salt intake, so I noticed more swelling in my feet and hands. As a teacher, I was on my feet pretty much all day during the workday. By the time I got home, my ankles would be really swollen. I did more walking and yoga during this time than I did weight lifting. I started to have a few "bad food" cravings during this time, but tried to give in a little as possible! It's important to make healthy food choices when pregnant, it's good for you and baby, but hey - it's also okay to be human.

BAM! I hit a wall. Third trimester day 1: I felt like I had been beaten with a pillow case full of bars of soap (Step Brothers reference... love me some WF). I have definitely been slacking on the exercising in this last phase. It's become more like a 2-3 days a week exercise regimen vs. 5-6 days a week. I must say, now that I am in week 34 and "nesting mode" has kind of kicked in full force, that has included the need to exercise more frequently. But it's been very difficult. I am EXHAUSTED all of the time. Exercise does help with this, but it's tough. I'd be lying if I didn't say that! I've been more conscious of my water consumption, because it's important to stay hydrated (even though I retain water like a hippo). I'd like to think I've been doing my best, but it could always be better :)

1) Walking! Easy, helps ease vericose veins, and helps reduce swelling.
2) Swimming! Feeling weightless when you've gained boo coos of weight is pretty awesome.
3) Yoga! There are different variations of yoga, but I stuck with what I was doing before: vinyasa.

There are 3 DVD's that I have used throughout my entire pregnancy...

I bought this one first - but the yoga wasn't challenging enough for me early on. Now - it's great with my lost range of motion and gigantic belly. 

This is very challenging if you did not practice vinyasa yoga before becoming pregnant. I loved using these workout in the first and second trimester, and still try to do them now but it's a lot more difficult!

This is my absolute FAVORITE pregnancy workout DVD! There are 3 discs; one for each trimester. You may get annoyed with her extreme peppiness (sometimes I throw things at the TV...) but it's a serious butt-kicker. I feel like this would kick my butt even when not pregnant! Love it. Highly recommend. 

And that's all I've got! Again - please do not use me as a standard of excellence for exercise and health during pregnancy. I've tried my best and felt like it may be a good thing to share :) These last few weeks have been ROUGH but I feel like that's fairly normal ... Hope this helps some of my adorable preggo friends out there! And those who will be in the future!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Immediate Future

Things that I am REALLY looking forward to in the immediate future...

(I have to take things day-by-day right now! Can't plan TOO far ahead, because Parker could decide to arrive in 3 weeks or in 6 weeks... or anywhere in between!)

  1. I am super pumped for our "Backyard BBQ Baby Shower" that Matt's Aunt Debbie is throwing for us next Saturday. She lives far from most of our guests, so it's at our house! Our house that no one has come to see yet because we've only just recently moved in :) It's been great incentive to get everything all put together!
  2. BABY SHOPPING! We are waiting until after the baby shower, but then we are going to hit the baby stores big time as we get everything left on our list in prep for PARKER! 
  3. DOCTORS APPOINTMENTS! This is probably the first time in ever that I have been so excited about going to the doctor. But every time I go now it's one step closer to Parker's arrival, and there's really no greater feeling at this point. 
  4. CLEAN DOGS! Weird and not baby related at all. But my dogs smell to high heavens and this week they're finally going to the groomer! Thank the Lord.
  5. KITTENS ON DRUGS! Okay - so this is not at all something that I am looking forward to ... it's something that is currently taking place. And it is providing Matt and I both with an insane amount of entertainment. Poor Duck had surgery on Thursday (efforts to keep him from wanting to escape again) and he's been on pain meds since I brought him home Friday afternoon. Stoned kittens are just about the most hilarious thing I've ever witnessed in my life. 

Well, my immediate future is bleek - but it's exciting to me. Realistically, more than anything I CANNOT WAIT for Parker to be here! I need to meet her ASAP. And selfishly I really want to get my workout on like right now. So Baby Parker if you can hear me - EARLY IS ON TIME AND ON TIME IS LATE! Rehearsal rules apply to labor and delivery, right? I thought so.

Friday, July 12, 2013

34 Week Update!

How far along?  34 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: I have honestly not been tracking this… I can really tell that my belly is growing rapidly – baby Parker is not getting much taller anymore, but she’s putting on the L-B’s (which in turn, I’m sure is showing on me, as well!).

Maternity clothes: Loose fitting and flowy … that’s how I am surviving this summer heat! It’s been 100* + the past week at least. The few occasions that I do venture outside I am not out for long, or I am in a pool.

Stretch marks: Still using my Vaseline lotion, but I can see tiny marks forming at the top/sides of my hips. My hips have gained SEVERAL inches throughout this pregnancy, so I knew it would happen eventually. I am very hopeful that everything will disappear post-pregnancy!

Sleep: I am taking it night by night. Some are better than others. I inevitably wake up at least once or twice to pee in the middle of the night. I do try to nap or rest in the late afternoon, because frankly, if I didn’t there is no way that I’d be functional!

Best moment this week: Visiting with the Thacker’s (they are dear friends from when my family lived in NC) and getting Parker’s very first personalized gifts! I especially love her “binky” with her name on it. Makes it very special knowing where it came from, too J

Miss anything? Having enough energy to make it through the day.

Movement: She’s still constantly on the move. As long as I am trying to rest, she’s moving.

Food cravings: Cereal.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! Still dealing with awful heartburn, but no smells or anything.

Gender:  Girl!

Labor signs: Not yet!

Symptoms: Heartburn!! Seems to be the one symptom that started during the 2nd trimester and has only gotten stronger and more frequent as time goes on… Swollen feet, fingers, and knees. UGH!

Belly button in or out? It's pretty much just flat. It’s very strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On, but I don’t see that lasting much longer. If we go for a walk for 20 minutes, my fingers are to swollen for my rings to feel comfortable. Sad day!

Happy or moody most of the time: This week I’ve been pretty moody. But there were several outside contributing factors!

Looking forward to: I’m just ready for her to be here!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The decision has been made...

Well, the most bittersweet moment of my life came this morning when I turned in my letter of resignation to my assistant principal. I have loved working as a teacher and theatre director for the past 5 years, and am extremely sad to say goodbye to a career that I was truly passionate about. BUT ... this next chapter of my life will be an adventure that I know I cannot miss out on. I would be doing a disservice to myself, my students, and my family, if I was only giving half of myself at work and at home.

Not really in my nature to "half-ass" anything, so I need to be in a position where I am able to give 100% of my energy and effort to whatever I am doing. From 2008 - 2013, it was starting and building the theatre program at Stafford Middle School and turning it into what has become: extremely successful, very large, and after last year's OAP Contest, 1st place :) I am very proud of my work there, very proud of my students who have come and gone, and I am very blessed to have had that opportunity. I will have moments here and there where I feel pangs of envy for the new director, being with "my" kids, in "my" school... It is where I began my teaching career, and it is a place that helped me in more ways than I can give justice. I will miss every second of performance weekends, rehearsals where I can "blame Babila!", OAP contests, and the feeling after a successful run of a show.

What is to come is the biggest and most important job I will ever have: being the best wife and mommy that I can possibly be. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I finally broke down and decided that this really was what is going to be best for me and for my family. The upcoming weeks waiting for Parker's arrival are going to be brutal... but I cannot wait for the moment that she finally makes her debut, and she becomes my whole world. I will always miss the school where I kickstarted my adult life, but I refuse to miss a moment of the child that kickstarts my journey into motherhood.

I feel very blessed and thankful for everyone who has offered their support and opinions as I came to this decision. Work will always be there. I know that I will go back one day; not sure when that day will come, but I will. But I will never regret staying home to be a part of every moment of my first baby girl's life. I can't wait!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

To stay home, or Not to stay home...

That is the question!

I've been debating this issue for a good long while now, and still feel much too conflicted to officially make a decision. I feel like this is the most challenging choice I've ever been faced with. And while I feel blessed to have the opportunity to make this decision, I would really rather not!

I have had a job since I was 16 years old. That's 11 years of working to make my own money, to support myself, and to have the security of having a job. The reason why I feel like this is so difficult, is because I have not yet figured out that as a wife and mother, that alone can be my job. That it may not mean financial security, but it is still providing for my family in the most important way. And while it's very easy for me to type that out - I can't wrap my mind around it enough to actually let it play out in real time!

It is absolutely terrifying for me to think about not having a job... Being pregnant during the summer doesn't make it any better; I have no set schedule, I get bored and lonely often, and more now than usual because we've moved farther away from my family and friends. To me that translates into what my life will be like if I stay home from work. However, I have no idea what it will be like with a baby here. I am hoping that I will be more motivated to find activities and ways to stay busy when I am not feeling like a lazy pregnant mess all of the time! But it's such unknown territory that all I can do is be scared of it.

I have until Friday to make my final decision. I have to resign from my teaching position 45 days before the first day of school, and that is this Friday. I am running out of time - and the pressure is making me second guess my decision every time I think I have made up my mind. I will keep everyone posted on the final choice - and your thoughts and prayers are most welcome!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

33 Week Update!

How far along?  33 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: Ugh... I'd rather not reveal the total weight gain! Let's just say that I've gained my fair share. More at my last doctor's appointment than I was expecting, but much of that can be attributed to water weight. I have been much more swollen than usual. 

Maternity clothes: I am trying not to buy them anymore! I have plenty, and I am trying to stay as comfortable in this miserable Texas summer heat as usual. I have been partial to loose fitting shorts (chambray and linen) and t-shirts/tank tops. I can still fit into most of my sandals, but my good ole Rainbow flip flops are the most comfortable footwear that I sport now-a-days!

Stretch marks: None yet! I am hoping that stays that way! I use Vaseline Cocoa Butter lotion on my big ole belly every morning and night. I have vericose veins on the back of my thighs, which I am REALLY hoping diminish after delivery. I try to walk often to keep them at bay!

Sleep: Been getting worse and worse. As long as I don't nap during the day, I can usually sleep through the night. However, that is a challenge within itself because I am constantly tired!

Best moment this week: Rearranging furniture in Parker's nursery and hanging up the artwork that I have been anxiously waiting on Matt to hang. Her room is really coming together! I've even started washing all of her clothes and linens in prep for her arrival! It's been the most fun I've had doing laundry, probably ever.

Miss anything? Bending over! I miss giving myself pedicures. And I miss sleeping on my stomach. I was a stomach sleeper before, and it's been really tough to sleep on my sides only. Oh and of course wine, margaritas, beer... It's summertime in TX, what can I say! A cold beer on a hot day is the greatest. 

Movement: She's moving a lot! We're at the point where I can see visible body parts moving, and she also moves my hands if I have them resting on my belly. 

Food cravings: Not really. I have been eating a lot of frozen yogurt, though...

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope. Other than my nonstop heartburn which has been especially miserable lately.

Gender:  Girl!

Labour signs: Not yet!

Symptoms: Heartburn!! It's excessive and obnoxious. I truly hope that the old wives tale is true and it means she'll have lots of hair, because it's a pain the ... chest. Back pain has just started to get worse. Exhaustion, shortness of breath, swelling in my feet, fingers, and knees (weird!), and I've been getting gassy - woo hoo! But mostly burping and hiccuping. It's super fun.

Belly button in or out? It's still an innie, but it's pretty much flattened out. Matt enjoys messing with it and it really irritates me!

Wedding rings on or off? On, and hopefully the swelling won't get bad enough that it will stay that way!

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! But mixed with exhaustion and anxiousness :)

Looking forward to: Finishing up P's nursery, our "Basics of Baby Care" class in a couple of weeks, and getting the last minute items we need to be fully prepared for Parker's D-Day! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Baby Showering!

I am very blessed with some amazing friends... most of which I have known since the 6th grade here in TX. Many more great friends have been added along the years, and a fabulous bunch of them came to a baby shower for little Parker on Saturday, June 29th. I was "showered" with some extremely stylish gifts; Parker is going to be an adorably trendy baby girl! Here are a few pictures from the awesome event.

It was an Alice in Wonderland themed shower! My favorite!

My amazing hosts: Steph & Halie. They are the best!

These girls are wonderful!

32 Weeks and 5 Days...

I feel like these last 7 or so weeks are going to be the LONGEST weeks of my life! Every day is just anxious anticipation for LABOR DAY... I'm a complete mix of emotions; terrified, excited, scared, anxious, and somewhat prepared.

I'm definitely at the point in my pregnancy now where actual body parts become visible and noticeably felt when she kicks/punches me. It's very odd to be sitting on the couch and have my stomach move involuntarily... She's a strong baby!

We had our 32 week check up yesterday and Dr. Banks (she's amazeballs, by the way) said that Parker is doing exactly what she is supposed to be! She's turned, so she's head down, and her heartbeat is a strong 140. We won't have another sonogram, which is super odd to me since we haven't seen her since we found out she was a girl back in April... and that adds to my anxiousness quite a bit! But she said that there is no need unless something goes wrong. So I suppose I should be comforted by that!

Matt and I completed a Prepared Childbirth course online, as we couldn't get into any of the classes offered at our hospital... But we are signed up for a "Basic of Baby Care" course in a few weeks. That should be interesting! I'm not sure how many diapers Matt has changed in his life before now ;)

The childbirth course terrified me even more... so I am trying to make a point to stop watching birthing videos and freaking myself out! At this point, it is what it is!

Will continue to keep our friends and family updated through the blog as we get closer to D-DAY!!