Friday, July 12, 2013

34 Week Update!

How far along?  34 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: I have honestly not been tracking this… I can really tell that my belly is growing rapidly – baby Parker is not getting much taller anymore, but she’s putting on the L-B’s (which in turn, I’m sure is showing on me, as well!).

Maternity clothes: Loose fitting and flowy … that’s how I am surviving this summer heat! It’s been 100* + the past week at least. The few occasions that I do venture outside I am not out for long, or I am in a pool.

Stretch marks: Still using my Vaseline lotion, but I can see tiny marks forming at the top/sides of my hips. My hips have gained SEVERAL inches throughout this pregnancy, so I knew it would happen eventually. I am very hopeful that everything will disappear post-pregnancy!

Sleep: I am taking it night by night. Some are better than others. I inevitably wake up at least once or twice to pee in the middle of the night. I do try to nap or rest in the late afternoon, because frankly, if I didn’t there is no way that I’d be functional!

Best moment this week: Visiting with the Thacker’s (they are dear friends from when my family lived in NC) and getting Parker’s very first personalized gifts! I especially love her “binky” with her name on it. Makes it very special knowing where it came from, too J

Miss anything? Having enough energy to make it through the day.

Movement: She’s still constantly on the move. As long as I am trying to rest, she’s moving.

Food cravings: Cereal.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really! Still dealing with awful heartburn, but no smells or anything.

Gender:  Girl!

Labor signs: Not yet!

Symptoms: Heartburn!! Seems to be the one symptom that started during the 2nd trimester and has only gotten stronger and more frequent as time goes on… Swollen feet, fingers, and knees. UGH!

Belly button in or out? It's pretty much just flat. It’s very strange.

Wedding rings on or off? On, but I don’t see that lasting much longer. If we go for a walk for 20 minutes, my fingers are to swollen for my rings to feel comfortable. Sad day!

Happy or moody most of the time: This week I’ve been pretty moody. But there were several outside contributing factors!

Looking forward to: I’m just ready for her to be here!


  1. So glad you got to see my parents and likes Parker's gifts! Hopefully next time well all get to visit (and meet Parker)!!! :)

    1. Aww absolutely! As soon as we are able to, I am going to make a visit to Wilmington our first choice vacation! :)
