Thursday, July 11, 2013

The decision has been made...

Well, the most bittersweet moment of my life came this morning when I turned in my letter of resignation to my assistant principal. I have loved working as a teacher and theatre director for the past 5 years, and am extremely sad to say goodbye to a career that I was truly passionate about. BUT ... this next chapter of my life will be an adventure that I know I cannot miss out on. I would be doing a disservice to myself, my students, and my family, if I was only giving half of myself at work and at home.

Not really in my nature to "half-ass" anything, so I need to be in a position where I am able to give 100% of my energy and effort to whatever I am doing. From 2008 - 2013, it was starting and building the theatre program at Stafford Middle School and turning it into what has become: extremely successful, very large, and after last year's OAP Contest, 1st place :) I am very proud of my work there, very proud of my students who have come and gone, and I am very blessed to have had that opportunity. I will have moments here and there where I feel pangs of envy for the new director, being with "my" kids, in "my" school... It is where I began my teaching career, and it is a place that helped me in more ways than I can give justice. I will miss every second of performance weekends, rehearsals where I can "blame Babila!", OAP contests, and the feeling after a successful run of a show.

What is to come is the biggest and most important job I will ever have: being the best wife and mommy that I can possibly be. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders when I finally broke down and decided that this really was what is going to be best for me and for my family. The upcoming weeks waiting for Parker's arrival are going to be brutal... but I cannot wait for the moment that she finally makes her debut, and she becomes my whole world. I will always miss the school where I kickstarted my adult life, but I refuse to miss a moment of the child that kickstarts my journey into motherhood.

I feel very blessed and thankful for everyone who has offered their support and opinions as I came to this decision. Work will always be there. I know that I will go back one day; not sure when that day will come, but I will. But I will never regret staying home to be a part of every moment of my first baby girl's life. I can't wait!


  1. Jenna - I can imagine this was a very difficult decision. Parker AND your husband will be very blessed by your full-time role as Mommy and Wife. Keep us posted on what it's like to be a SAHM! -Ellen (Helms) O'Neal

    1. Thank you, Ellen! Very difficult, but I am very happy with the decision. I will absolutely continue to keep everyone updated on our life! :)

  2. You built an incredible program at Stafford - no one could ever fill your shoes! We will miss you. Enjoy your time with Parker...these years can never be duplicated. They are the most precious times of your life. My children are 22 and 19 and I miss those days....they were truly the best times of my adult life. Enjoy! Many happy days! Much love to you and your family!

    1. Thank you, Maria! I am so sad to leave Stafford, but I am very excited about what's ahead :) I will miss you guys so much!

  3. Love you, Jenna, and we're gonna miss you beyond words! Take care of precious Parker, then come back to us some day! I'm not saying goodbye.

    1. Aww, thank you, Amy! Definitely not goodbye ... I will still be subbing! Stafford can't get rid of me that easily ;) And I will bring Parker up to visit often... So absolutely - not goodbye!
