Friday, July 26, 2013

36 Week Update! Whaaattt....

How far along? 36 Weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
Still more than I'd like... But on the bright side: since my last doctor appointment 3 weeks ago I've only gained 1 lb! She said that I am still on the "right track" for my weight gain, and that as long as I don't over do it in the next few weeks I should be fine. It's just scary to know that as much as I've already gained is considered "okay" or "normal"!

Maternity Clothes:
Dresses and shorts. It's definitely getting into the peak of hot TX summer temps lately, so comfort is key! I don't see a point in buying anything new now...

Stretch Marks:
The small ones I thought I saw on my hips are no longer there, so that's fun. But apparently what I thought were vericose veins on the back of my thighs is actually stretch marks :/ I got some Palmer's stretch mark body oil that is supposed to help the appearance, and my sweet mama has assured me that they will diminish after D-Day... On the upside, Dr. Banks said that I have a "pretty belly" because I have no stretch marks on my tummy. So there's always that! ... Battle wounds.

Well, while it was getting better, now it's back to worse! Doesn't matter anymore if I don't nap during the day or not, Parker's head is pressing directly on my bladder and so I am up to pee several times during the night. I have a really tough time falling back asleep. It's all prep for Parker!

Best moment this week:
Spending time with my mommy! She's been such a huge emotional support for me through all of this, reassuring me that everything that I freak out about is actually going to be okay, and this week we did some "mommy recovery supply" shopping. I trust her, she's kind of done this 3 times :)

Miss anything?
I've been craving sushi lately, so that's weird. But I definitely miss sushi!

Less than a month or so ago, but if I am laying down and resting she is still moving quite a bit.

Food cravings:
Root beer, peach yogurt, still croutons, and ginger snap cookies! I found some delicious all natural ones at Sprouts :)

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Nope, other than my pal, heartburn.

Gender: still a girl!

Labor signs
fake contractions aka Braxton Hicks... I am getting surprisingly anxious for the real ones to start! Let's go labor! Let's do this!

Heartburn and swelling are the most frequent and noticeable. My poor feet and knees are taking a beating with the heat and humidity!

Belly button in or out?
It's completely flat now, ha! So weird.

Wedding rings on or off?
Still on! Fingers crossed they can stay that way! 

Happy or moody most of the time?
Happy as long as I am keeping myself busy. I am not a fun person when I am bored.

Looking forward to: 
Now I am just EXTREMELY impatient and anxious for D-DAY! Our nursery is just about done (have to hang some shelves), I have assembled her bassinet and other various swings and play areas, her clothes are all washed... Let's go Parker! I'm ready to meet you NOW!

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