Monday, December 9, 2013

And I'm back in the game!


Took a blogging hiatus what with the birth of my first child and all. Who would have thought that these tiny humans require so much time, energy, and attention? Geesh! But now that my precious, amazing and PERFECT bundle of joy is 3 months old, I decided to rehash the old need to write and get the blog back up and running.

I started my own blog a long time ago. And since it began, this has served many different functions; all changing based on what was going on with my life at the time. So instead of constantly changing the theme, the title, the link name... I decided to make a change once and for all. This lovely and insightful blog will now serve as a writing tool for WHATEVER is on my mind! Covering topics from exercise, to crafting, to baby poop (yes - that is my life now)... anything and everything that I am working on or doing.

Right now - I am a "Stay at home mom in transition". I am IN LOVE with the fact that I get to stay home and raise my beautiful daughter every day. I am elated that my husband works his butt off so that we can continue this lifestyle as long as possible. I find more enjoyment in watching my baby girl meeting and surpassing her little baby milestones than I ever thought possible. But, I struggle constantly with the fact that this job is a pretty thankless one. I do not get financially compensated for keeping house, raising kids, and caring for our fur-babies. I receive validation in the fact that everyone is still alive and on occasion my house is clean, but it is very different. This is hands down the most difficult job I have ever had, because it NEVER stops. I don't get to "come home" and relax after a long day at the office. My home is my office. My work surrounds me 24/7 and it's really difficult to get time off. The boss isn't very likely to give me a day off, even with advanced notice ... Baby is the boss in this case ;) This is always what I wanted - to stay at home with my kids until they were in school full time, and then go back to work. But I had no clue what to expect in staying at home. It's a wild ride!

Since Parker was born I have gone back and forth trying to decide what I want to do... Go back to work or not? My degree is a BFA in Theatre Studies. That basically means that I spent my entire undergraduate life learning how to become a theatre teacher. Which I was for 5 wonderful years, and I loved that career path more than I can express... But that is somewhat limiting, and I have interests in so many different creative fields. I am working to find what interests me most, or at least enough to do every day :) One thing I have discovered: I will be going in to business for myself. Whenever that happens, and however it happens, I will be my own boss.

So stay tuned for the thought-provoking blurbs that come straight from my brain, to fingertips, to small screen. For now, I leave you with this... The cutest baby on the face of the planet, my pride and joy, Parker T. :)