How far along? 37 weeks! Technically, I am now full term!
Total weight gain/measurements:
Well since I just read recently that Kim Kardashian gained 65 lbs during her pregnancy... I can VERY gladly say I have gained no where near that much! I have gained 36 as of today. It still feels like an insanely large amount of weight to gain so quickly, but when I take all of the water weight into account from how much I've been swelling this summer, not to mention what everything inside weighs right now (including Parker!), I don't feel as bad. I know that I will lose it once she's here, and it's more important to me that she and I are both healthy than purposefully trying to not gain weight while pregnant. That's definitely not healthy!
Maternity Clothes:
Right now: whatever I can feel comfortable in! I've been wearing my linen shorts and tshirts a lot. Only wearing my flip flops anymore, because other sandals hurt my feet!
Stretch Marks:
Small ones on my hips, and some on the back of my thighs. Still going strong with a "pretty belly" and no stretch marks on my baby bump! But I am using Palmer's oil to help with the stretch marks at least twice a day. Again, battle wounds :) It's all worth it to have my sweet little princess here and healthy very soon!
Sleeping through the night mostly, up to pee, but falling back asleep faster than usual. I am getting some good naps in during the peak heat of the day. Trying to "stock up" on sleep because Parker could be here any day now!
Best moment this week:
Meeting with Mrs. Gonzalez (my sister, Erin, her boyfriend's mom who is a labor and delivery nurse at Baylor Dallas). She answered SO many questions for me, and made me feel much more calm about everything that has been making me nervous. She's a great advocate! Every pregnant lady needs an L&D nurse in her corner! :)
Miss anything?
At this point, I miss everything! I've been pregnant for long enough. I'm ready to meet my baby girl and celebrate with an ice cold Shiner Red Ruby!
Her movements are now much more deliberate, since she's so big and taking up so much space! Dr. Banks estimated today that she's somewhere between 6-6.5 lbs right now! Her head is down on my bladder, and her back is facing the left, so all of the movement is focused on my right side. I feel like that's not fair! But I definitely don't want to feel her flip over right now. That would hurt much more than the baby taekwando she's performing in there!
Food cravings:
Root beer, peach yogurt, strawberries, chicken
Anything making you queasy or sick?
I'm getting really sensitive to smells. Matt left some bags of grass in the garage from cutting the lawn, and I thought I was going to puke, the smell was so awful. Weird!
still a girl! Although, Matt's latest joke is "what if she comes out and she's a boy?" Oh geez.
still a girl! Although, Matt's latest joke is "what if she comes out and she's a boy?" Oh geez.
Labor signs:
Braxton Hicks are out of control, and I am officially 1 cm dilated! So my body is getting ready to get this current tenant out!
Braxton Hicks are out of control, and I am officially 1 cm dilated! So my body is getting ready to get this current tenant out!
Braxton hicks, heartburn, swelling in my knees and feet/ankles. The swelling in my fingers has really not been too bad lately. But my legs have been really uncomfortably swollen.
Belly button in or out?
It's flat. Hasn't popped out, don't think it will either!
Wedding rings on or off?
They're still on! I must say, I am surprised myself. But they are still going on and off pretty fast!
Happy or moody most of the time?
Anxious. Not moody... Just anxious.
Looking forward to:
PARKER!!!!! Any day now!! Let's get this party started!
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