So, I couldn't let this one go untouched...
In light of the very recent "Duck Dynasty Controversy", I decided that it was time for me to put my thoughts into a post regarding what has happened with our society and it's ability to openly and publicly share thoughts and opinions about anything and everything that is on our minds. Look at me here, writing a blog post. Who knows who all this will reach, but more than one person is likely to read this, and therefore, know how I feel about a certain topic. Which, before the world of social media, no one would have known without having a face-to-face conversation with me... But alas, here I find myself blogging about what has happened, and how I feel. And unashamed to do so.
I am going to try very hard to not share my personal beliefs on any particular subject matter that I address in this post, but to rather remain objective in the grander scheme of things: the loss of Free Speech and the ease of disagreeing.
Something I mentioned in my post about Santa vs. Jesus was that I feel that you (as in, the general public) should not "push" your opinions on people who clearly differ in theirs. I still hold strongly to that statement. Part of what makes the good ole US of A such an amazing country to live in, is the fact that so many different types of people with so many different beliefs can coexist, be friends, and all live within reach of each other, without being persecuted for those differences. Well, until recently that is... I feel like somewhere along the way, the phrase "Politically Correct" started to get thrown around far too often, and people became afraid to share how they really felt. Either that, or the polar opposite, and they shared how they really felt and then were possibly torn down for it. Regardless, it is a lose-lose situation. You find yourself with this "need" to share information immediately. To let the world know how you feel, what you are doing, what you think about, etc. etc. Again, I am trying to remain objective here because I am 100% guilty of doing all of the above (especially when it comes to sharing pictures of my insanely adorable daughter... which I do constantly and without any guilt!). BUT EVEN THAT! I've received serious fodder from "friends" who do not have kids and have told me that the constant baby pics are annoying. Really? REALLY? Would you rather see my plates of food or my babies new hairbows? I mean, come on...
I digress.
I have found myself in what I refer to as "Keyboard Arguments" with people I don't even know via Facebook posts because I get so worked up with comments they have made and how they are, without paying attention to context or who originally made the post, relentlessly prodding and poking and trying to start arguments simply because they do not agree. DISAGREEING IS A GOOD THING. If we all believed the same thing, if we were all FORCED to believe the same thing, we would not be the country that we are: we would not have the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, we wouldn't be a "melting pot", and people wouldn't immigrate to the US in search of the "American Dream". It is one of the biggest selling points of this great nation. We seem to be forgetting that, and we seem to be in constant fear of offending someone so that we find ourselves following the herd so we don't ruffle the feathers.
I say... Ruffle those feathers! Shake it up! I am not going to share whether or not I agree or disagree with Phil Robertson, because that is not the point of this post. But I am going to say this: HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED DUCK DYNASTY? What else would you expect him to say? This should not be surprising, and A&E should not have reacted the way that they did. Yes - his beliefs are a direct opposition to the beliefs of a community and their lifestyle. I don't agree with vegetarians, because I love my meat, but does that mean that I should put all of my veggie friendly friends on "indefinite hiatus" because I don't agree with their lifestyle? I mean come on, the US exists because it's founders disagreed with popular opinion.
"Doing what's right isn't always popular." Not that I am saying what he did was right. But I absolutely think that punishing a person who has achieved reality TV fame for his strong Christian beliefs and his Christian lifestyle... You knew what you were getting in to when you asked him that question, GQ.
Now here is the less specific to Duck Dynasty part of this post...
I love the fact that people can share the thoughts and opinions so openly. I love it, and I do it daily. What I don't love is the extreme negativity that this brings about. I don't love the fact that it encourages folks to carelessly spew hate because they simply do not agree with what was posted or what was said. The beauty of the internet: you don't have to read it if you don't agree with it. You don't like what so-and-so has said? Don't read it. You don't like what they stand for? Don't watch it. But don't think that by retorting your own position on a topic, with cruel language and lack of imagination in use of vocabulary (how many times can you use the "F" word until you realize it's just lost it's luster...), is going to do any good for anyone.
What has happened that makes me sad: we are no longer embracing the differences in each other like we used to. In an attempt to make society "more tolerant" we have done the exact opposite. We have created ignorance and serious intolerance for any and every person whom we disagree with. We look for ways to "force" others to believe what we believe, instead of accepting that not everyone is going to do so. Without differences, in all aspects of our lives, we would be an unrecognizable country. "Fundamentally" different if you will.... ;)
I love the fact that I surround myself with folks of different lifestyle choices. I learn from them all the time. I am able to then form my own opinions because I openly accept people for who they are. I do not place judgement, I try to remain open-minded, and I love having civil, intelligent discussions with someone that disagrees with me. It allows for constant education outside the classroom. I have my own beliefs, my own opinions, my own lifestyle choices... But I won't try to force someone to embrace them as their own when they clearly have made their own different choices.
When we can stop tearing each other down, we can start building each other up. Only then will we become tolerant and embrace those around us for who they are and the choices we've made. Take things at face value, realize that our differences are what make us great, and instead of forcing everyone to fit into this "politically correct mold" of a human, allow us to find our own way. We will not always agree, and that is absolutely okay.
Going back and "proof-reading" what I've written above, I'm not sure that my thoughts make complete sense or if I seem to be going in circles... But ultimately, tolerance is something that has to be learned. Live it. Embrace our differences. Learn something by having a conversation with someone rather than shoving your opinion down their throat. Know that you may walk away still disagreeing, and that you have the freedom to do so. If we didn't offend people every now and then, we'd never move forward and grow as individuals.
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