Friday, August 9, 2013

38 Week Update!

How far along? 38 weeks... the waiting game continues!

Total weight gain/measurements: 
I am still at 36 lbs of gain. Haven't gained any in the past week. That's good! I am however, carrying A LOT of water weight, as evidenced by the swelling in my feet/fingers/knees :( Hoping that subsides fairly soon after delivery!

Maternity Clothes:
Long dresses. Non restricting clothes, but things that will cover my legs because *warning: very unlady-like reason coming up*... It's insanely difficult to bend over my huge belly to shave my legs. Oh the joy!

Stretch Marks:
Things haven't changed here either. I can't tell if the Palmer's stuff is working or not... I really hope it is.

Sleep is worse, definitely contributing to my irritability and mood swings! Up to pee, but mostly I am just flat out uncomfortable and not able to sleep for longer than an hour or so at a time. Super cool!

Best moment this week:
Thursday was my birthday! That was definitely the best moment this week. I need things to look forward to, because the waiting game of labor and delivery is making me crazy. Matt took me to a very nice dinner, I got to have a blow out so that I didn't spend 3 hours sweating and attempting to straighten my hair, and I shockingly felt pretty at a huge 9.5 months pregnant. We had a blast... I haven't spent that much quality time with him lately; he works like a mad man. It was a great day. Despite having to have my blood drawn at the doctor with Round 2 of preeclampsia testing ;)

Miss anything?
I miss not being pregnant.... I am definitely ready to be done!

Still moving! Her movement is all on the right side of my body, so my ribs are just about fed up with her being in there... She is merciless. 

Food cravings:
String cheese, root beer, yogurt

Anything making you queasy or sick?
Nope. I get queasy from heartburn, and then randomly just because. But not for any reason in particular. 


Labor signs:
Very sadly, I am still only 1 cm dilated... I got way too excited last week when I found out that progress had been made, and too hopeful that it would continue that way. But no! Not that lucky. Braxton Hicks are still pretty constant, but no major signs of labor at this point.

Swelling of my limbs is out of control. My blood pressure was high on Wednesday which is why I had to do my second round of preeclampsia testing. I am now on "bed rest" until the results come back in. The nurse told me that should be Monday, and lucky me - I will be back at the doctor on Monday, as well! I spend too much time in that place.

Belly button in or out?
Completely flat. It's so weird.

Wedding rings on or off?
On, but sparingly.

Happy or moody most of the time?
Moody. It's been made worse by the lack of progress in labor... I was way too hopeful that things were continue to move along since last week, my hopes were shot down and it's not been a good contribution to my daily mood!

Looking forward to: 
Getting this baby out of my belly! I have never been more ready for such a painful experience in my life. Bring it on, please.

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