Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pregnancy: Not for the weak!

Post by: Jenna

I am only 26, almost 27. So I have a limited number of friends who have kids, as most of us are just entering the phase of life which this is becoming more of a potential possibility or want. I have always wanted to be a mom, and always imagined having a big family. So the idea in theory was always wonderful. The actual 9-months of pregnancy to get to that point: NOT what I expected! My OB described it perfectly at my appointment last month... She said, "It's pregnancy amnesia. By the time you're ready for the next one, you completely forget about all of the bad things about being pregnant. Until you're pregnant again." Because up until that point, I had been questioning the sanity of everyone I know with multiple children. How in the WORLD could anyone want to do this more than once?! Geez Louise!

Reason being: the end result. I get that. But everything leading up to it... not fun for this 5'1'' gal. Short people get the short end of the stick (no pun intended) on a lot, pregnancy not left out of this. There are only so many places for the weight to go! So much room for your organs to shift around, so much time before your feet and ankles start to swell to the size of watermelons... I am cynical, and a fairly pessimistic person by default. What can I say, I like to cover up my discomfort with my quick wit and hilarious sarcasm. However - it's really tough to think on your feet when you can barely see them.

I am currently at 29 weeks, 5 days of my pregnancy. Still have a LONG ways to go... Went to the doctor today, and got some interesting news - will require a new post :) So maybe not as long as I think, which I am 100% OKAY WITH! Hurry up, baby Parker!

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